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23 January 2013

Winter Wear


Unlike the lower Montessori classes we take a 35 minute recess after lunch. (Lower Mont. has their recess split into two times--morning or afternoon and lunch.)  35 minutes is a long time to be outside in the winter!  To ensure that students are staying warm while outside please make sure your son or daughter has the proper snow gear.  This includes:

  • winter jacket
  • snow pants
  • hat (hoods don't stay on their heads)
  • gloves or mittens (insulated helps fingers stay warm)
  • scarf (if desired, but they do help!)
  • snow boots (Ladies wearing leather decorative boots should also have snow boots.  These decorative boots aren't warm and usually don't have a good tread for gripping the snow.)
A message about boots:  Because Montessori students are so often working on floor work I have a very strict policy that boots may not be worn in the classroom.  If a student is without shoes I have him or her bring their boots into the classroom and set them next to their table space.  However, all students should have gym shoes.  If your son or daughter has his or her gym shoes at home please make sure these come back to school!  Thank you!

Thanks for your help with this!  Stay warm-

Mrs. Perrien

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ian says lower Montessori also has one recess.