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29 March 2012

Lansing Field Trip Permission Slip

The trip permission letter is here.  Students also brought home a hard copy today.  Please return the letter, along with your payment, when we return from Spring Break.  We don't want anyone to miss out on this trip due to economic challenges.  Please contact me if payment would be difficult or if you need more time to send in your money.

Thanks so much for your help, this trip really is a lot of fun!

27 March 2012

More photos to share...

The attached slide show has photos from the day Congressman Bill Huizenga visited our classroom, as well as Pajama Day-Read Across America Day!

Photos from Gym Class

Celebration of Learning 2012

What a successful evening!  Thanks to everyone for their help and thanks to all that attended.

20 March 2012

Celebration of Learning

I am so excited for next week's Celebration of Learning!  The Upper Montessori theme is, "Earth & Space Science Fair."  The children have probably been talking about this at home, at least I hope they've been talking your ear off!

We are currently finishing our research and plan to begin working on our projects tomorrow.  Some may have come home with material requests.  These requests were determined after scrounging the classroom cupboards and discussing what is really needed!  I have encouraged students to do the following:

  1. Search your bathroom & kitchen cupboards, then...
  2. Search the basement, then...
  3. Finally, search the garage
  4. If all else fails, go to the store.
I encourage you, parents, to set a firm shopping $ limit.  Require your children to work for the money if purchases are needed.  (For many projects, purchasing is NOT needed.  Some kids just WANT to buy materials.  Some have even said, "My mom will buy it for me.")  Why am I encouraging this type of thinking?  Innovation is encouraged in the Upper Montessori room.  Innovation is also a 21st century type of thinking!  Jobs of the future (many which have yet to be created) will require our children to think outside the box, be innovative, solve problems, and research.   (Remember, many jobs today were not in existence when we were in school back in the 70's and 80's. We just had great music!)  For all of the above reasons, science fair "kits" which are often found at craft stores and online, are not allowed.

If you have questions, comments, or ideas please be sure to email me or Mrs. Flynn.  We have been having a lot of fun encouraging your children to think big, to recycle materials for the projects, to develop a dollar-less project, to be innovative!

In typical fashion, these kids have chosen some amazing projects.  They've chosen topics that truly interest them, that are not considered "typical" for 4th and 5th graders, and the facts they are finding have already created a buzz in the classroom!  For this group, congratulations are already in order!

  • Theme:  Earth and Space
  • March 27, 2012
  • 4:30-6:00 p.m. (Upper Montessori has an extended time.)
  • All Montessori classes will begin in the gymnasium or multi-purpose room.

See you Tuesday!

--Mrs. Perrien

13 March 2012

Pi Day

Hey Upper Montessori!

What is Pi Day anyway?  Take a look, read about it on the Internet, post your ideas here.

Try this resource:

09 March 2012

Excellent Article!

 Just this morning I came across this editorial on International Comparisons in Education.  What an excellent reasoned discussion!

Are International Comparisons Useful?

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

05 March 2012

Classroom Updates


A few quick things...

1.  We will visit the Book Fair to purchase on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m.  However, the book fair is also open on Tuesday night during conferences.

2.  The 5th graders will be going to watch the Grand Rapids Symphony tomorrow!  (I forgot to send them with a permission slip!)  5th grade parents--you do not need to do anything unless you DO NOT want your 5th grader to go.  But...they should go, it's a beautiful concert!  For our orchestra students and those students interested in playing in middle school or high school orchestra it's a fine opportunity for the students to see experts working with the instruments they are, or want to play in the future.  Mrs. Flynn will be going with the 5th graders tomorrow.

3.  Moms and Muffins has been rescheduled for Friday, April 20.

The students have put a lot of time and energy into preparing for parent/teacher conferences.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone this week!

Amy Perrien

Lansing Trip/Bottle Slip Update

Thank you all for returning your note regarding the Lansing field trip so promptly!  I am very sorry for being incredibly forgetful about following through with this note.

I had so few parents express an interest in turning in can and bottle slips that I think we’re going to leave this up to individual families.  My recommendation is for interested families to save slips in an envelope and return this just before the check is due for the field trip.  You’ll have all your money for the trip saved that way!

Second, the bus will cost us $750.  This is the final total as there is no fuel surcharge this year.  We’ve also had a donation made by a Montessori parent that will bring down the total for each family.  Assuming the PTA gives us $5 per student for the field trip, the final total per family is $23.

I’m really excited about our Lansing trip!  Last Friday’s guest speak, Congressman Bill Huizenga made so much of what we’ve been studying come alive for the kids.  When we visit the capitol and hall of justice in Lansing we’ll once again see what we’ve read about and researched take on a whole new meaning for the kids.

Thanks for your help and support!

Mrs. Perrien

01 March 2012

Important Dates for the Month of March

Tomorrow, March 2:  Congressman Bill Huizenga visits the Upper Montessori classroom!  9:30 a.m.

Montessori Celebration of Learning:  March 27 @ 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Dads & Doughnuts, March 23 at 9 a.m.

March is Reading Month Dates:
  • Book fair week (March 5-9)
  • Read a button day with a classroom contest for the most buttons on a student (March 9)
  • Read a shirt/hat day (March 16)
  • Dress like a book character (March 23)
  • Read in the dark day (March 29)
Conference Week:
  • March 6, from 5-8 p.m.
  • March 8, from 1-4 and 5-8 p.m. (March 8 is a half-day for students)
**Moms, I will have Moms and Muffins rescheduled by the end of next week.  Thanks for your patience!

    Conference Schedule Upload

    Please see the attached conference documents.  These show our schedule for conferences week.  As you can see, we have 15 minute conferences and our schedule is really tight!

    The kids and I will be practicing so that we honor the 15 minute time limit.  Please remember that I will need to start and end your conference on time.  If something happens and you will be late for your conference please contact me to reschedule.

    The kids are nervous but excited, and I am looking forward to meeting with all our Upper Montessori families to discuss the kids' wonderful work and commitment!

    Thanks so much!

    Mrs. Perrien

    Ford Museum Field Trip