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13 March 2012

Pi Day

Hey Upper Montessori!

What is Pi Day anyway?  Take a look, read about it on the Internet, post your ideas here.

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Anonymous said...

I think Pi Day is the day when we celebrate Pi,3.1415926535 & so on.

-Jolene S.

Anonymous said...

Pi day is celebrating the number pi on March 14 the first three numbers of pi.


Anonymous said...

Pi day is celebrated on March 14 by mathematicians everywhere. Even though it's symbol originated in Greece it was soon popular in Switzerland to.

Pi is more interesting than I thought,it's not just a bunch of numbers!


Cate said...

March fourteenth is called "Pi Day" because the date is 3/14 and pi is:3.14 and trillions more.

If you hold "3.14" up to a mirror, it spells "PIE".

Pi is a math term that sounds like the food pie.

Sorry Mrs. Perrien, but I don't know if anyone will bring in a PIE, but I'll bring in PI to show that 3.14 held to a mirror really does say PIE.

Anonymous said...

Pi day is a holiday commemorating the mathematical constant pi. Pi is on march 14, since 3,1 and 4 are the three most significant digits of pi in the decimal form. in 2009,the united states house of reps. supported the designation of pi day.

Anonymous said...

Pi day is march 14. the reason it is called pi day is because the date is 3-14 and pi starts out as 3.14! Its pretty cool


Anonymous said...

We celebrate pi day on March 14 so we can have a chance to have fun with the topic of math and science. And while it celebrates Pi officially, it also shows how much fun math and science can be!Its also a day to celebrate the creation of the math term pi.


Anonymous said...

The Pi symbol was first used by William Jones in 1706.


Anonymous said...

William Jones was the first to use the Pi symbol in 1706.


Anonymous said...

A day to celebrate Pi(by math enthusiasts).


Anonymous said...

Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th around the world.Pie is a Greek letter and it's value is 3.1415926535... It has over 1 trillion digits! In 1706, William Jones first used the symbol for pi, but was popular in 1737. The 1st 3 digits are 3.14 so that is why its on March 14th.

Anonymous said...

Pi = 3.14159. It is a continuous number that is the relationship between the width of a circle (diameter) and it's edge (circumference). To calculate the area of a circle use the formula pi times r squared (r is the radius which is half of the diameter).
-George I.

Anonymous said...

the first symbol of pi was used in 1706 and the formula for pi is 3.14159265.

Anonymous said...

pi has been calculated to over 1 trillion digits pass the decimal


LoveWhoYouAre said...

I think it would be fun to celebrate Pi Day by making and eating pie. Everyone can have 3.14 pieces of pie! Yum!--Sarah

Anonymous said...

Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts on March 14.

Anonymous said...

Pi day is the day that we celebrate the digit pi. We celebrate it on March 14, because of the first digits 3.14.


Anonymous said...

Pi day is celebrated in many parts of the world. Pi is 3.1415926535 and trillions more digits.

~Megan Tran