Waukazoo Upper Montessori at the Holland Museum
More pictures from our field trip and from Winter Fest are posted on the photobucket page. You might see your child chugging root beer outside in the freezing cold, trying to thaw a pair of frozen mittens, or making the sled and riding in the sled at the sled race! I also took pictures in Thursday's gym class. These will be posted soon (and watch for pictures from THIS week's class, when students will be SQUARE DANCING!)
We will be collecting shoeboxes and metal coffee cans for our valentines party and for a class project. Please send in a shoebox for your son or daughter (and if you have extras we would appreciate those) as soon as possible.
I am also collecting metal coffee cans or large cans (like those Gordon Food Service large cans of fruit) for a Valentines project. If we are able to collect 16 cans we can make these really neat decoupage card collectors for our Valentines Day party!
Speaking of parties...
Valentines Day! I will be contacting those parents that signed up back at the ice cream social to help with this party. If you didn't sign up but still want to help, please let me know. Our party is tentatively scheduled for the afternoon of Friday the 13th, from 2:20 - 3:30 p.m.
Napkins--we are in need of paper napkins for class. We have used up the supply given to us at Christmas. If you are willing and able to donate please send in a package. Thanks for everything!
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