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01 February 2009

Report Cards

Report cards will be coming home this week--either Monday or Tuesday afternoon. This post is only to point out important information: Report cards are in the same format as they were last marking period, except that the subject area comments are no longer present. The new report card format (It looks the same to you but on our end it is different.) limits the comments to the end of the report card, in the “overall comment” section. We also have a limited amount of space in which to comment. Montessori teachers aren’t yet printing using the new format because we are grading using a multi-grade format; we also have differences in our curriculum. The objectives that are graded now are quite specific.

A–Masters Standards
B-Meets Standards
C–Working Toward Standards
D–Below Standards

West Ottawa Schools has been gracious in allowing the Montessori staff to work with the report card format to find a way that Montessori staff can grade for their curriculum. Your child's elementary report card will only look different if you have a child in a traditional West Ottawa elementary classroom and a child in Montessori. These report cards ARE similar in grading but they are printed in a different format.

I would encourage you to review the report card with your child. If you have any questions about a specific grade please let me know. You don't need to save ALL the questions for conferences, send an email or call me if you are wondering about a certain subject area.

Best of luck to the Groundhog tomorrow...maybe he won't see his shadow! :)

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