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11 September 2008

Classroom Updates

Hope Student

I am excited to tell you that we will have a Hope College education student working in our classroom this fall. Mr. Rodriguez stopped in today to meet the students and observe our class at work. In addition to his work as a teacher-in-training at Hope, Mr. Rodriguez works in an after-school program at Pine Creek Elementary.


Students designed T-shirts that tell about themselves. These T-shirts are hanging in the hallway above our lockers.

PTA Fundraiser

Students have received their PTA fundraiser materials and collection envelopes. Please mark your calendars to be at the Fun Run/Walk on October 3 at 6 p.m. We had a wonderful event last year...I hope we are able to do it again!


Patriot Day Pictures

I took several shots of the students placing their flags for Patriot's Day. I will post the photos to our Photobucket account either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon.

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