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24 April 2013

Classroom Updates and More...


I'm sure you noticed the change to the back of the workplan this week!  This was not an easy decision as I really like, in theory, the Friday letter.  Unfortunately, many kids weren't really using the Friday letter to its fullest so I decided to find something different.  I considered going back to the stoplight descriptions from the fall but ultimately decided that it would be okay for the students to grade their work and social habits using the same descriptors from the report card.

After a series of dental appointments this morning I stopped for an oil change.  As I write this I'm sitting in the dealership waiting room watching a CNN special on teens and social media.  Oddly enough, this topic has been on my mind a great deal lately after one of my Facebook friends posted the following article on teens and today's social media minefield:

I encourage you to read this posting and consider how social media is currently being used by your child...especially Instagram, and how you can carefully monitor your child's use and exposure.  This was quite an eye-opener for me!  I freely admit that my two girls are Instagram users.  I do think my husband and I do a pretty decent job of monitoring their actions on Instagram.  Among other things, we require that a device must be surrendered at a moment's notice at any time and we don't allow them (devices) in their bedrooms after bedtime.  We also require that all friend requests must pass the mom test.  My oldest tried to convince me she needed her iPhone for the alarm but I called her bluff and bought her a Meijer sale alarm clock!  Many thanks to a couple classroom parents for pointing out the dangers of iPods, iPads, and other gadgets in the bedroom overnight!

The following is a great set of rules for children/teens who have iPhones:

For what it's worth, Abby has told me that Instagram is very popular with the boys at her school.  It's not just the girls!

I realized pretty quickly that my kids must learn HOW to use these sites while they still value my opinion; I came to this conclusion from watching a few teens I know and love navigate the stormy conditions surrounding social media.  I am sincerely trying to teach my children to coexist with technology, not be ruled by it!  **The one area in which I differ from the 18-point agreement mom is that my kids must have devices (phone) with them at school...but should stay in lockers.  With both my husband and I 30 minutes away from our kid's schools we feel they should have them in case meetings get changed, the dance driver fails to show up, someone stays after school for a test, etc.

One app I absolutely will not allow my kids to use is Snapchat.  I think this is a very dangerous social media app!  I have a friend teaching in an area high school and she has told some pretty scary stories... Read up on it, you'll see why!

If you have ideas for ways to keep on top of all this technology I'd love to hear from you!  We have many moms and dads in our classroom with children in middle or high school.  Parents, do you have any advice?