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20 March 2013

More Random Acts of Kindness

I put four quarters on the little toy dispensers and two little kids without any money grabbed them and got pencil toppers.

I helped an older girl get a dessert from the dessert table and I told her how to get a fruit tart.

I helped a kid with a jammed locker.

I left a quarter at the popsicle stand for someone to use.

I left a compliment sticky note on a box of cereal at Meijer.

I made breakfast in bed for my parents.

I held the door for almost the whole parking lot.

I carried someone's groceries for them.

I put a quarter on the pencil dispenser.

I knitted a hat for a stranger.

I let a stranger cut in front of me in line.

I gave a stranger a birthday present because I overheard her say it was a birthday.

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