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02 June 2012

Summer Fun!

Summer--what to do?

During the summer vacation my kids are allowed to be "school work free" for the first week of the break. After has a plan!

My girls each work on their handwriting (cursive for both) skills over the summer. This is done through thank you letters (or other types of written correspondence) to family and friends. They also will be keeping a summer journal.

They will also be working on their math skills. I have chosen a [current] grade level workbook from Barnes and Noble for Abby.  Given Evelyn's current middle school placement I contacted her math teacher and was given several skills she should practice over the summer.  My goal is for them to practice the skills they learned during the last school year (not to introduce something new and potentially frustrating) so they don't appear "rusty" in the fall. They work on this for about 30 minutes per day. (They will be quick to remind you that they don't work on the weekends!)

Abby will practice her math facts every day on her iPod and we READ EVERY DAY. Reading in our home is usually done before bedtime, but both will also pick up a book at odd times throughout the day.  Abby is again signed up for our local library reading program as well as Barnes and Nobles' Summer Reading Program.  (Evelyn is now too old for most programs but she no longer needs to be incentivized.) We have found that reading is a great way for our girls to wind down and relax before it's lights out!

Other Summer Activities:
Mrs. Perrien

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