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05 February 2012

Classroom Updates

Read on for two important classroom updates...

Field Trip:  The Gerald R. Ford Museum

When:       Friday, February 17, 2012, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Where:     Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum (Grand Rapids)

Why:        To accompany our study of the three branches of government.

**The permission slip will come home on Monday for a signature.


This year our students are scheduled to visit Lansing as our culminating social studies BIG FUN field trip; it’s also the final field trip we will be taking this school year (other than the 5th grade annual trip to see the Grand Rapids Symphony and their May visit to tour Harbor Lights.)

We are scheduled to go to Lansing on April 12, 2012.  Our current plan is to visit the state Capitol and the Michigan Historical Museum, plus the Hall of Justice.  All of the places we visit are free; the only expense we incur is the cost of the charter bus to take us to Lansing.  In past years we have taken a Cardinal Charter Bus to create a sense of “cool” for this trip, but more importantly we need a charter bus because we depart early (8 a.m.) and arrive late (6 p.m.).  In past years we have raised funds for the bus by collecting and returning pop cans.  In 2010 this netted us approximately $150 toward the cost of the $900 (estimated) charter bus.  If someone would like to take over for me and run this fund raiser I welcome your help, but I will not be running this fundraiser on my own this year.  It took a lot of my instructional planning time two years ago to sort and return $150 worth of pop cans and I didn’t have a lot of parent help or support.

One possible option would be for families to collect and return pop can slips from Meijer or Family Fare between now and the date of the field trip.  I would need the help of a parent to organize and return these slips for cash that would then be turned over to Waukazoo.  We would use these to offset the INDIVIDUAL cost of the charter bus expense.  We would then have a final total for you the week of April 12.  Families that want to reduce their expense would collect pop can slips, families that don’t want to collect and submit pop can slips would be charged the divided cost of the charter bus.  (At this time, that estimated expense would be $36 per student.**)

Finally, I will be submitting a reimbursement form to the Waukazoo PTA for a portion of the field trip.  In past years, this has been $5 per student.  At this time, I cannot guarantee this as a reimbursement amount.

Thank you for your time!  Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions. 
Mrs. Perrien 
**We don’t want any student to miss this field trip due to the cost of the charter bus.  If your family is experiencing circumstances that would make this payment difficult, , please contact Mrs. Perrien.  No one will have to miss out!

A parent volunteer form will come home on Monday night.

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