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04 November 2011

November Genre Study


During the month of November we will be reading mystery and creating a mystery mobile!  All students must have a mystery in their hands (or already in the classroom) when they walk in the door on Monday morning.  I do believe many already have their books in their school cubbies or lockers.

I have already completed my lesson with the 5th graders about their mystery responsibilities and given them their assignment.  I will be meeting with 4th graders next week.  I am attaching the mystery mobile rubric for both grade levels (they are on the same document) because the 5th graders were anxious for their assignment! (I love this!)  Please note that both grade level rubrics are on the same page.  This project will be a part of the school workplan time and should not be completed at home, although they may complete their reading at home.

In order for students to complete their assignment on time I recommend the following timeline:
  • Read your book and take notes--complete this by November 18
  • Begin working on the rubric! --Begin November 21
  • Rubric is due November 30
Let's get reading!

Mrs. Perrien

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