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26 October 2009

Spelling--Finally BEGINS!

This week we begin our spelling component of the weekly workplan. Despite the existence of spell-check, spelling words correctly is a necessary skill! We practice spelling both in the classroom as weekly work and at home as homework. Students circle their missed words on the word list to help you target at-home spelling practice. I recommend having students practice their words in several different ways each week. A few minutes practicing their words orally (remember spelling bees?), another few minutes writing their words, another few minutes looking for definitions, plus simply using their word list to recite and write. Try studying the words in a different way each night. These small moments of practice add up to 100% scores on Friday and carry over into a student's daily spelling.

Spelling groups are created using a student's reading record independent level, plus a student's sight word decoding score. However, an individual will occasionally need an easier list or a more difficult list. Please make sure to contact me if you believe the words to be either too easy or too difficult for your child.

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