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28 September 2009

Upper Montessori Classroom News

Time is just flying by in our classroom! Wow...we've been in school for almost one month!

Fun Run--I hope to see everyone at the Waukazoo Fun Run on Friday night. It should be a fun event!

I will be taking photos throughout Spirit Week! However, I will not be able to upload the photos until some time next week, I am currently without my home laptop (It is currently on its way back to Dell for repair). It's amazing how quickly we become absolutely dependent on technology! I managed to complete my undergraduate degree without a computer. (I actually had a word processor and thought THAT was pretty cool!) Yet, here I am worried about not having my personal laptop for a week. If I do upload the pictures earlier than next week I will certainly let you know!

Math Facts--Last Friday I sent home some stapled sets of math fact tests. Included were two 5 minute timed tests and several Speedway assessments. Just a quick reminder, we usually take the Speedways 4 days/week and the 5 minute timed test is done just once per week. For the last two weeks we've taken addition and subtraction for the 5 minute assessment. This week we will be doing multiplication. Some students find that timed math tests are not their strength. We will continue to practice these most days, though, because I have found that even when students find these tests to be challenging, they will improve with practice. For students who feel that the one minute assessments are too easy, they will soon be moving into areas that are more challenging!

Biomes--Students brought home a Biomes "contract" tonight for a parent signature. The purpose of the contract was to make sure that all parties involved were aware of the due date for the project. Tomorrow students will receive an assignment sheet that goes into greater detail on
the project. They have seemed very excited about building their biomes! I've heard comments such as, "Maybe I can cut some of that green carpet stuff that is in my basement for grass" or "Colored Saran Wrap would make great water." Students will need a shoe box with lid for a good biome. I do have a few at school--I'm always saving shoe boxes for school--but I don't have enough for everyone. If you have extra, please send them to school!

Students are also reporting some amazing facts they are finding from their research. Facts about animals, the differences between temperate and tropical rain forests, and other interesting facts about biomes in North America. One interesting topic of discussion came about when a student wanted to know whether or not they could use a biome type found in Puerto Rico. We have some excellent researchers in our classroom!

Workplan--these are underway and we are all learning how to work efficiently in a classroom of 25. Students are working at various levels in math and I've seen several examples of students helping other students. Mr. Edwards is showing his skills in math--helping students with difficult problems and reteaching when students have needed the practice. This has freed up Mrs. Perrien to teach lessons and present new material. We are finding that we are a great team! You will find that students are reviewing skills they learned in the 3rd and 4th grade. Some of this is due to MEAP review, but at other times I have found that the review is needed as a particular student or group is preparing to move forward. We review as we move forward to promote a deeper understanding of the skills.

Workplans from last week were carried over into this week. Therefore, the weekly reflection will be coming home late this week. I find that this (a late workplan) is common the first 2 or 3 we have. Students are learning to pace themselves + we are working around other demands within the school (Science Alive, testing, Spirit Week, etc.). Make sure to ask YOUR child how efficiently he or she was with workplan time in the classroom.

Conferences--With conferences just around the corner I have contacted most of you about your scheduled time. Please make sure that you return your pink conference reminder slip to let me know if your scheduled time will work.


Student Council Representatives: Sierra (5th) and Logan K. (4th)

Gym Leaders--12 students are gym leaders this year, helping both second grade and kindergarten. All students in the classroom will have the opportunity to apply again in January. Gym leaders usually rotate at the end of the first semester.

Service Squad--Interested 5th graders were able to apply for a position on the school's service squad (safety patrol). This is a paid (classroom economy) position. Students currently "hired" with the service squad include Sierra, Emeline, and Juliette. 5th graders will have the opportunity to reapply again in a few months.

Parent Volunteers--I will begin contacting parent volunteers to set up volunteer schedules for the classroom. If you are NOT registered with the school, however, you will not be able to help in the classroom. If you haven't yet registered and don't have the paperwork, please let me know and I will get you the paperwork. This might seem like a hassle but it is a procedure put into place via the state of Michigan to protect the safely of all Michigan's children. Speaking of parent volunteers...make sure to stop in at the school and visit the PTA bulletin board in the main hallway. There are several committees at Waukazoo that desperately need parent volunteers!

Have a great week!

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