How can parents make homework less of a hassle at home? Here are just a few tips for making homework time easier!
- Establish a routine—this involves a regular time for homework each night. In the past parents have commented that working right after school or right after dinner have been good times to complete homework.
- Create a work space—Ideally, a flat, uncluttered surface that is well-lit with few distractions.
- Provide homework tools—Good to have on hand are pencils and pens, notebook paper, highlighters, glue sticks, colored pencils (preferable to markers), a calculator and a dictionary.
- Organization—this involves setting up a space at home where notes and papers go for mom and dad, a place to hang the backpack, and a work space for completing homework. Review the "getting home from school" routine to make sure that kids understand where papers and belongings should go as well as where and when to work on homework.
- Be available—Stay nearby to answers questions or provide help as needed. Please offer guidance without giving the answer. Your children may need time to discuss and work through a problem.
- (Yes…despite what your kids may tell you, it is okay for you to correct and review completed work!)
- Break Time! Kids' attention often wanders after 20-30 minutes. Taking a few minutes break to walk around, get a drink or snack will often help kids recharge and make completing homework easier.
- Let Mrs. Perrien know if the homework assignment is especially difficult. Homework should mostly be review (especially in math) of previously learned concepts.
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