The first day of school is swiftly approaching! We will be going to music on Tuesday. Our special time will be from 1:08 – 1:56 each day. I will send home a sheet on the first day of school that will list our daily special plus lunch and recess times.
To prepare for Tuesday please make sure that your student has the following: lunch or lunch money, a snack (we will not be using snack coupons during the first week), and gym shoes. Students will need to bring their binder on the first day (or choose from the classroom supply of binders). If possible during the week, please remember to also send in a box of Kleenex for the classroom supply and also a set of snacks for the snack cupboard. Thank you for these contributions!
How do you access classroom photos?
Visit Our login is waukazoomontessori and our password is panthers. You will need to look for the "Perrien" album. Photos will be archived by event and added throughout the year. It's a great way to keep up with what is going on in the classroom! [Photos from last year will remain through the end of September.]
Reminder: Parent Night:
September 9th. New classroom parents will be meeting from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. and returning parents from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. I will be prompt and respectful of your time by beginning and ending each meeting on time; I know that the back-to-school season is busy for us all!
Homework: Yes, that's right…homework! During the first week of school, students will be doing homework mostly to get used to the routine of a nightly homework folder. Once folders have come home for the first time, take a moment to review the assignment sheet and calendar/planner with your son or daughter. The calendar is a perfect tool for documenting other important weekly events in your student's life!
Classroom notes and school-wide communication will also be given to students in their mailboxes at the end of each day. Students will be asked to place these in their homework folders to make the school-to-home transfer easier. If you prefer an electronic copy of the school newsletter (distributed on Fridays) please let me know or Mrs. Coney ( know and we will make sure your name and email address are added to the list. Remember that the school news is sent home via the youngest child in your family, or only child if that is the case.
As always, let me know if you have any questions. Please enjoy YOUR Tuesday morning!