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04 January 2012

Vocabulary and Other Updates

New vocabulary is ready!  We tested today.  The word list can be accessed here.  Students took their pretest today, which is really just a test to help them determine what words they already know and understand.  Our final vocabulary test will be taken on Friday the 13th!

HELP--we are in need of spiral bound notebooks for writing workshop.  I am asking that each family consider donating two of these notebooks to the classroom for writer's workshop.  Students are flying through these books this year!  Most everyone is on their second notebook and a few have already started on their third; the 48 notebooks I bought over the summer are already gone!  If you are able to help, please donate a couple.  (The following link will show you what we need, although they are usually cheaper than the price quoted on the Internet.  See here:

Finally, if you are an eater of any large glass-jarred food, we need the jars!  Meaning, if you eat jarred spaghetti sauce or applesauce (or something in a similar container) please save your jars and bring them to school.  We need the jars for a class project that we'll be doing at the very end of May or the beginning of June.

The President projects will be due on January 30.

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