Back-to-School! During the month of January students will be researching a president of their choice (already assigned) and preparing a presentation for the classroom.
Students have a research form already started. We will be in the computer lab this week to begin our investigations as well as next Monday or Tuesday afternoon. The research form will be due at the end of next week. Below I have listed a couple of websites recommended by students. Your son or daughter may also ask you to take them to the library; however, our school library has many presidential biographies. Students have been encouraged to go to the library for books about their president.
For the presentation part of the project students are asked to create a presentation about their president. This could be a poster presentation, Power Point or Prezi presentation, a skit or short play (with a written script), or a video creation. The presentation part of the project will be a homework project, although students may work on their project in class when other work is completed. Students may ask you for poster board, etc., to help prepare their presentation. (If you need materials, please let me know.) They will bring home their research form on or before January 13.
President Research Sites:
***Websites courtesy of former students. I have not verified their usefulness.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Mrs. Perrien