Moms and Muffins is Thursday this week. We are excited to share our expert research with you. Moms, please note that we have moved back the start time to 9:30 a.m. This is to accommodate all the late buses (including the orchestra bus) that our students ride. Our event should last about one hour.
Harbor Lights
Today we toured Harbor Light Middle School. We met many of the 6th grade teachers and other building staff, saw classes in action, and learned more about a typical day at Harbor Lights. The tour was informative and answered many of the "what if..." questions. What if I'm late for class? What if I can't get into my locker? What if I get lost?
Many of us were surprised to find out that the 6th grade hallway is actually smaller than the main hallway at Waukazoo!
Upcoming Events
Field trip--next week we are heading to Windmill Island for the Dutch Trade Fair. Connor B.'s and Olivia R.'s dads both had their names drawn from a pool of 8 interested parents. Students will need to dress for the weather that day--rain, sun, warm, or cold. I recommend that students layer their clothing! More information will be sent home on Monday regarding our field trip.
Talent Show
5th graders interested in trying out for the 5th grade show will have auditions on May 16th or May 17th. An application form and explanation of talent show policies and procedures will be sent home next Monday. In the meantime if students are considering an act that uses music (other than classical music for an instrument) they will need to print a copy of the song lyrics and bring these to school for approval. Songs MAY NOT have suggestive lyrics or inappropriate words of any kind. is a free site of downloadable song lyrics. Without song lyrics in the teacher's hand a song WILL NOT be approved for the talent show. Songs are first come, first served. Once is a song is taken by an act it is not available for another group or individual.
Watch for more talent show information next Monday!
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