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13 January 2011


In the classroom students have moved into a study of nonfiction.  This means our in-school reading books are nonfiction (sometimes people refer to this as expository or informational text) and our lessons each day are primarily focused on nonfiction reading strategies.

The strategies we are learning include, but are not limited to, retelling or summarizing nonfiction, nonfiction text features and text structures, building schema in nonfiction, reading a textbook.  All of these strategies work together to create critical readers who engage with nonfiction text and begin to understand their level of understanding of the text.  We are also learning what to do when we don't understand the nonfiction text we are reading.

I would encourage you to add more nonfiction reading in your home.  Start with the newspaper for current events and move to looking for nonfiction reading at the library.  Find out your child's interests and look for biographies on his or her favorite athletes.  Consider a fascinating scientific topic or time in history.  Practice with reading nonfiction now will make the transition to middle school classes and textbook reading a little easier!

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