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07 September 2010

First Day!


I had a wonderful first day with the children!  They were fun, engaging and eager to do their best.  However, they are probably very tired!  We spent a great deal of time working on homework policies and procedures--please look for your child's homework contract in his or her homework folder.  If you have any questions about the homework folder or the homework contract, please let me know.

Our class also spent a great deal of time discussing classroom procedures.  In fact, the first week of school is full of procedures--learning and practice.  For this reason it can seem like a very long week.  But the more we work on procedures now, the smoother our year goes! 

During these first weeks we are primarily working in small groups or whole class.  We won't be starting workplan for a few weeks.  These first weeks are a time of team building; by putting in the time now we find the students handling the rest of the school year much better.  I will be testing many of them to determine where to best begin them in the Upper Montessori math curriculum.  Other tests (reading, writing) take place these first few weeks.  We'll also begin our reading and our writing workshop schedules this week.

Thank you again for making the choice to place your child in the Upper Montessori classroom.  I consider it a priviledge to be working with your son or daughter this year.

--Mrs. Perrien

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