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04 September 2009

First Day of School

Just a few days left until the first day of school! The Waukazoo teachers had a busy week back at school: preparing classrooms, working on lesson plans, learning about curriculum and testing changes, and getting committees and activities ready for the upcoming school year.

As the children prepare for their day I do have a few things for them to keep in mind:
  • The Upper Montessori students line up at the 4th and 5th grade door (same as last year). They will need to line up at the painted "P". Please consider letting your child ride the bus (if possible) on the first day. The Waukazoo parking lots fill quickly!
  • If students are ordering school lunch on Tuesday they will need to have a positive lunch balance; the lunch program is a prepaid program. Parents may send cash or a check or their may call the West Ottawa Food Services office and use a credit card.
  • The students will NOT be able to use snack tickets on the first day of school. At this time we do not have any snacks in the snack cupboard.
  • Binders will be needed on the first day. Just a reminder that I do have binders available at school for those students that do not bring their own.
  • If your child took home a "Getting-to-know-you" brown bag please bring this back (filled) on the first day of school. Those that did not get a bag will receive one on Tuesday.
  • Students will have their music special on this first day! Please make sure that all students have gym shoes in school by Thursday.
  • Remind your child that we will do a lot of talking and whole class work these first couple weeks. The Montessori workplan does not begin right away as I prefer to do team building activities and also set classroom norms.
  • It is COMMON for the 4th graders/new students to miss their old teacher, their old class, their old routines. They sometimes are sad about the change to a new classroom, new teacher, new responsibilities! What should parents do? Be positive about the new environment and be supportive of their ability to get used to the new routines! (Remember how scared we parents all were when we started middle school, high school, WILL get better!)
  • Finally, PLEASE put them to bed early [enough] on Monday night so they are bright-eyed on Tuesday morning. I will meet all students at their classroom line outside!
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

--Mrs. Perrien

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