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30 October 2012

Farewell, Spotz!

This funeral event was organized by the kids, with no teacher help at all.  What a tribute to Spotz!
Special thanks to all the students who gave up recess to plan this event, organize the poems and stories, baked, painted, carved, created...
Thank you girls and boys!

Spotz memorial table

Thank you, Danny, for a beautiful marker!

Thank you, Mia, for a beautiful coffin!

29 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Interested in news about Hurricane Sandy?  This link ( shares fascinating (and scary) hurricane facts, as well as news about this latest Hurricane season threat.

Another interesting article:  State-by-State. This one shares state-by-state preparations, specifically for those states expecting to be affected by the storm.

My thoughts are with all East Coast Montessori schools, as well as friends and family on the coast. I hope you stay safe during the storm.

Halloween Safety

I read the following article on Halloween safety this weekend:  Halloween safety tips for kids and parents.  

Be safe this week and enjoy the candy!

Conferences--week of October 29

Monday times:

5:00         Erin
5:20         Genevieve
5:40         Mia
6:00         Paul        
6:20         Kyle
6:40         Parker
7:20         Kenny
7:40         Austin
8:00         Dorien

Wednesday times:

1:00         Abby
1:20         Ava
1:40         Zoe
2:00         Maddy
2:20         Laine
2:40         Jack
3:00         George
3:20         Cameron

26 October 2012

Funeral for Spotz

The class has decided to hold a funeral for Spotz on Tuesday afternoon.  A small group of 5th graders were involved in funeral planning and have requested that all students wear spots and/or black to school on Tuesday.

They also have until Monday afternoon to write any short stories or poetry about Spotz and/or Leopard Geckos.  Without revision or editing, these will be submitted by Monday to be bound into small booklets that everyone will take away as a keepsake on Tuesday.

Former Upper Montessori students that remember Spotz are encouraged to submit their own stories for the booklet.  These may be typed and emailed to Mrs. Perrien at

Thank you!

Waukazoo Update: news from the office

Waukazoo Food Drive

Bring NON-PERISHABLE items into your classroom and receive a “ONE” for each daily donation.  Place your “ONE” in your class bucket and see it fill! Grade level boxes will be located in the front foyer.  Let’s see the giving spirit of each grade level!


Most Needed Items (but not be limited to):

Food Items:
Spaghetti Sauce
Canned Fruit
Canned Meats
Canned Vegetables
Boxed Dinners
Ramen Noodles
Pinto Beans (Canned or Dry)
Personal Care Products:
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
Laundry Soap
Bar Soap
Multi-Purpose Cleaner
Feminine Hygiene Products
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your child has received an Elf Factory packet for you to fill out and return to school.
The children will be participating in a homemade gift program. Each child will be able to select 4 crafts to make by hand. In addition, all children will be able to make one free craft (for a total of 5 gifts). This program will be replacing Fun Services' “Santa’s Workshop” program. Please ensure timely return of the forms, as we are hustling to purchase all materials necessary for the crafts. 

ORDER FORMS DUE: OCTOBER 30TH, 2012. Orders will not be accepted past the due date, due to the amount of supplies needed for each order.

22 October 2012

Writing Fiction

Now that we are several lessons into our fiction writing unit I want to share a little of what we're doing. The Common Core State Standards have clearly defined that fiction remains an important piece of the writing puzzle.  From the core standards website:

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
  1. Orient the reader by establishing a situationand introducing a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
  2. Use dialogue and description to develop experiences and events or show the responses of characters to situations.
  3. Use a variety of transitional words and phrases to manage the sequence of events.
  4. Use concrete words and phrases and sensory details to convey experiences and events precisely.
  5. Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events. 
Our fiction unit has, to this point, covered ways we can generate ideas and develop stories.  We are now working on developing believable characters.  The students are excited to share their stories and I love reading their hard work!

Spelling Begins!

Time really does fly by so quickly.  Sometimes I feel like our back-to-school meet and greet was just a few days ago.  Here we are starting spelling and holding conferences.

Spelling starts this week.  Students will take their pretest in small groups with either a parent volunteer, Mrs. McCormack, or me.  (Thanks, Mrs. Phillips, for your work today!)  They will correct their own tests. A printed copy of the word list that comes home on Monday is for you to keep at home for practice. Please sign and return the pretest.

I will send the final tests home either Friday or Monday each week. Any words missed will be added to the next week's list. If at any time you feel your child's words are too easy or too hard, please let me know. I want spelling to be the best experience for each child, yet be challenging as well.  Most importantly, I want the children to come to a better understanding of how words are structured, the origins of words, and what words mean.  In short, if students are good spellers I would like them to focus on meaning and structure.  (I don't want you to think I want kids to just do definitions.  That pretty much leads to rote work, rather than true understanding.)

On Tuesday I will send home a set of spelling practice ideas for you to keep at home. These ideas are not assignments that need to be returned to school, just ideas for your son or daughter to use when practicing their words.

I recommend that students study spelling twice per week at home in the evening.  If you feel that more practice is needed, please feel free to adjust accordingly.

Thanks for supporting this new work!

Mrs. Perrien

21 October 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences


I have just completed my first round of middle school parent-teacher conferences.  Only one left to go this coming week--a high school Spanish class!

Having sat on the parent side of the table again this fall I was immediately reminded of how absolutely annoyed I am when someone else continues talking through the end of their conference time and into my time.  I only get a few minutes with my daughter's teachers and those minutes count!

For that reason I want to comment and remind all families that I work hard to make sure I start and end all my conferences on time.  Aside from the issue of infringing on the next student's conference time I don't want to delay another teacher's times.  

If you find at the conclusion of your child's time that you would like more time to talk please be sure to let me know me know and I'll be in touch to schedule an additional meeting.

The following conferences take place this Thursday, October 25:

5:00 Sarah
5:20 Cate
5:40 Brayden
6:00 Lainee      
6:20 Roni
6:40 Jackson
7:00 Ashlyn
7:20 Danny
7:40 Tucker

I am excited to meet with families this week and next!  Have a great Monday.

Mrs. Perrien

15 October 2012

Football Playoff Clothing!

If you're interested in ordering West Ottawa playoff attire please send the following order form, along with your payment by Wednesday (!) this week.

11 October 2012

Muffins & Doughnuts!

Dads and Doughnuts
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday, April 19, 2013

Moms and Muffins

Friday, November 9, 2012
Friday, May 10, 2013

Mark your calendars now!  You don't want to miss these special days!