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25 July 2012

Spotz in Trouble

Sometimes you never know what's just around the corner.  This week has been one of those times.  Spotz is a five (or six) year old Leopard Gecko, one who's delighted students for years!

Our family recently returned from a vacation up north to the Upper Peninsula and Mackinac Island.  When we returned and settled again at home I noticed that Spotz was a little bit more subdued than what I'm used to at school.  (Thanks to my friend, Kathleen, for confirming my suspicions!)  After watching him for a few days I realized that he wasn't eating either.  Uh oh.

I Googled "reptile veterinarian" and discovered The Cascade Hospital for Animals! (They're not really new as my awesome cousin, Heather, worked there a few years ago but I had no idea that they were experts in exotic pets.) I set up an appointment for Spotz and off we went.  Here's what happened:

Arriving at the hospital
Spotz is receiving expert care from Dr. Tracey Ritzman!
The patient was quite cooperative.

Spotz was diagnosed with Stomatitis, Bilateral ocular changes (a probable  bacterial infection of the eye), a plugged cloaca, and mild dehydration.  This seems like a lot!  What is being done about it?

The medicines--eye ointment and an oral antibiotic.

Preparing to administer the antibiotic.  This can be tricky!
Spotz' treatment includes a warm soak for 10 minutes a day to help him rehydrate.
Our cat finds this very entertaining!
Overall, this experience has been quite interesting (and expensive)!  I am in the process of reconfiguring his tank set-up to add a new and different heat source.  Apparently, "senior" geckos are less capable of handling the extreme temperature changes that are often a part of switching off the (daytime) Infrared heat light.  I'm adding a ceramic bulb heat source for more evenly distributed heat.

Today I even hand fed Spotz two waxworms!  Although crickets are the mainstay of his diet, they are also hard to see and hunt when the eye is bothered.  Wax worms are yummy and fatty--both are needed right now!

I hope to have good news to report in a few days regarding our Spotz.  If you are so inclined, please say a quick prayer for our favorite classroom pet!

-Mrs. Perrien

15 July 2012

Gasp!! The Back to School Ads Are In the Paper!


Over the next few weeks I'm sure that you'll be in and out of various stores that are featuring Back to School goodies.  (Click this link to see my favorite back-to-school commercial)  Rather than leaving you in the dark as to what is needed by your kiddos, and also what is appreciated...I'm doing a quick post here tonight.

What is Needed:

  1. A sturdy, vinyl 3-ring binder--please DO NOT buy the fabric Trapper Keepers or others that velcro shut.  They are too big for the classroom binder bin! (I will have binders available for those that don't bring their own.)
  2. Small and large, lined and unlined index cards--these are needed for projects. (I will have extras in the classroom for those students that need cards.)
  3. A box of kleenex per child is nice!
  4. Post-it Notes (one set per child is more than enough)
  5. A USB thumb drive is not required but it would be nice if all kids had their own.
What We Would Love in the Classroom (ONLY if the sales are good):
  1. Composition Books--the best sale prices are NOW!  $.50 per book is only available at Back-to-School time.  We use these for reading workshop.
  2. College-Ruled spiral notebooks--these are perfect for writing workshop.  Last school year some of the kids went through as many as four or five notebooks!  They are on sale at Meijer & Walmart for only $.17 this week!
  3. Craft glue.
  4. Acrylic paints of any color.
  5. Black sharpies.
  6. Pencil cap erasers!
What NOT to buy:
  1. Please don't buy folders.  I have specific folders for certain activities and have found that most cheap paper folders on sale at this time aren't worth the money.  I will provide all folders.
  2. Mechanical pencils--these are banned for the next school year.  No child has ever wasted more time in school than when he or she is packing a mechanical pencil with new lead.  Students may bring their own traditional pencils if they'd like, but I will have more than enough for everyone.  Pop-a-point pencils are fine!
  3. Lots of markers.  A basic set of thin-point is nice for projects, but is not needed.
If you are wondering about a certain item please be sure to let me know.  Email me at if you have any questions.  Remember...nothing is required but all items are appreciated!  I've tried to make the list of "needed" items as simple as possible.

Please feel free to share this post with any incoming 4th grade parents.  Thanks so much!  Happy Summer!

Mrs. Perrien

06 July 2012


I wanted to quickly add this update...

"Boys and girls, I haven't had time to work on your videos.  Sorry!  It's been one of those summers where we're traveling, painting, cleaning, sorting, traveling some more...but I *hope* to begin working on them next week, with a target of posting all the videos by the end of the month.  One big problem is that I had to start all over from the beginning.  You see, I did start and had lost all the work Mr. Working and I had done at school because of work being done to my classroom computer.   I will post the videos when they're completed."

--Mrs. Perrien

05 July 2012

Graduation Dinner Photos

The attached slideshow features photos from the 5th grade graduation dinner.  These were taken the night we had dinner at the Curragh.  The picture quality isn't as good as normal.  I didn't have the school camera and had to take pictures with my iPhone.  (I don't care what anyone says, the iPhone only takes *decent* photos!)
