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31 October 2011

Managing School and Home--Tips for Parents

*These ideas are courtesy of the Grand Rapids Press  (They should have been shared a long time ago, but this post was misplaced!  They are excellent, do-able ideas!)

  • Set up a comfortable, well-lit homework area.
  • Have a designated spot to stow backpacks.
  • Use a month-by-month calendar with spaces big enough for all family activities.
  • Color-code:  Assign each family member a color for any calendar items (let kids pick their own color).
  • Dry erase boards are great for daily or weekly family activities
  • Have a "school papers in" basket located in your family center.  Children should be responsible for placing all paperwork in this basket immediately after getting home from school.
  • Keep a seperate school art basket/box/folder for each child.
  • Put the date and grade on all art/paperwork that goes into the folder.  At the end of the year you can sort for the items that are super-special and saved for the long term. (Everyone asks me children each have one inch of storage space per grade, per school year).
  • Have kids fill out and keep their own planner or calendar.  This will establish routines for middle school and later, life.
  • Establish routines that are easier on children.  For example: each night before school, have kids pick out their clothes, pack their lunches, and pack their backpacks.  It makes the morning easier!
  • Establish a bedtime procedure that includes downtime and an early bedtime.  Children in the 4th and 5th grades still require 10-11 hours of sleep per night.


Conference week is a busy week for everyone!  You, parents, have a lot of places to be and you have to get there in a short amount of time!  Thank you for taking the time to come into school to talk with me about your child's academic gains and strengths.

For the that reason, please make every effort to be on time for your scheduled conference.  Late conferences create a domino effect of many other late conferences.  For that reason, I will start and end all conferences on time.

As you can see from the attached document, I am booked solid during the week's conferences.  If for some reason you can't make your scheduled conference please contact me via email and we will set up a new time for you.  I don't want to miss any conferences!

Thank you again!  I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Amy Perrien

**Remember...field trip on Thursday!  :)

28 October 2011

Field Trip and Other News...


I am excited to let you know that we are heading to the James De Young power plant next Thursday for an energy-related field trip.  The permission slip is attached here for you to print and return, or you may sign and return the note your kids are bringing home today.  One important item about this trip is that the children must wear heelless, closed-toed shoes.  This is a request of the power plant staff.


The children do have a science test on Monday that covers our energy transfer unit.  They will be bringing home their science journals as well as a study guide we worked on in class.  We will take the test first-thing Monday morning.


Monday is a 1/2 day of school, due to parent-teacher conferences.


Although fine in lunches, please don't send Halloween candy as a classroom snack for the next few weeks.  It provides a sugar-rush that doesn't do much for classroom focus and effort during our morning workplan time.  Thank you!

23 October 2011

Upper Montessori Vocabulary

Our first vocabulary quiz will be tomorrow.  The quiz will be testing the students on the vocabulary terms we have been studying while learning about energy transfer.

The next vocabulary unit is on collective nouns.  It will be a two week unit.  In fact, all vocabulary units will now be two weeks in length.  The attached worksheet is the collective nouns vocabulary word list.  Students will have the collective nouns work on their workplan but are able to do the word study work at home.  The collective nouns quiz is on November 3.  In the meantime, have fun with the words!

17 October 2011

Important Dates for 5th Graders

5th grade Parents-

Please make note of the following orchestra dates:

This Thursday, all 5th graders will get a visit from the middle school orchestra teacher and a few orchestra students. 

We will visit the middle school next week to see and hear the middle school orchestra in action. (This is my favorite trip!)

Finally, a parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 27 at 7 p.m. in the Harbor Lights cafeteria.  (A note should have gone home last week explaining the parent meeting.)

**I strongly encourage you to consider orchestra for your 5th grader.  It was a wonderful experience for Evelyn.  I "forced" her to play, and she now loves the violin!  (Score one for Mom!)  I also found her teacher, Mr. Rizner, to be the absolute best at introducing her to this new medium, and inspiring her to want to learn and grow as a violinist!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Perrien

One down, one to go! (CORRECTED, with photos this time!)


One week of the MEAP is finished, the second week is upon us!  This coming week we will be testing in math and science (5th) or writing (4th).  Please continue to get your kids into bed EARLY.  It's hard to take a test when you're tired, so remember those early bedtimes!

Workplans--What you'll see on Monday night is the workplan from the first week of October.  This is the workplan you'll be asked to sign and review with your child.  We did not have a workplan last week--it was too hard with three days of testing.  We will have a small workplan this coming week.

We continue to work on classroom routines and behaviors, and we continue to need practice.  Please encourage your child to work hard at school and socialize at lunch and recess!  Thank you for your help!

Please enjoy these pictures from our guest speaker on Friday:  Abby's father.  Abby's father works at a solar power facility near Grand Rapids.  He shared neat devices with the kids, demonstrated solar panels, and helped us better understand solar energy.  THANK YOU!

It's going to be a busy week.  Thanks again for your help!

Mrs. Perrien

16 October 2011

Pet Research!

We spent time in September learning about our classroom pets.  In small groups, students researched one of the classroom pets as well as a "wish pet."  Just as soon as we all have a better handle on classroom behavior and routines we will hopefully be adding a turtle to our classroom menagerie.

14 October 2011

Parent Homework

Believe it or not...I am once again giving our classroom parents a homework assignment!  :)

Please complete the attached questionnaire by clicking on the following link:  Parent Questionnaire.
This is very helpful to me as we (finally) settle into the school year and our normal workplan routine.  If you would like to email it back to me, please feel free to do so.  Otherwise, you may print off the document, fill it in, and return the document on Monday.

Thanks for your help!

Mrs. Perrien

05 October 2011

Educational Apps

I read the following article this morning, How Do You Find Good Educational Apps? and found it to be interesting and informative!  Parents often ask me about apps; what have I used, what do I recommend...and since I consider myself to be at the level of a 1st grader in terms of app knowledge I found this article to be incredibly informative.

Mrs. Perrien

04 October 2011

Classroom Updates: October 4

Wow!!  Where has the time gone?  This phrase, which is so often "overdone" applies to our classroom this year.

I have many classroom updates to share with you:

Vocabulary--Today, students brought home their vocabulary list from our science unit on Energy Transfer.  We've already been working with the words in the classroom, with activities including reading and writing the words, illustrating the words, and studying them in our science journal.  We will continue to work with the words until we take our quiz next Friday (That's October 14).  I have not assigned any homework with the words, I simply wanted to let our parents see the words we are working with in school.

Science--We are beginning a unit on Energy--and will be discussing electricity and magnetism over the next few weeks.  In addition to learning about transfers of energy, we will be learning about energy conservation!  This unit is fun and fascinating!  To learn more at home, try going to the site,  Several interactive lessons are available for the students to try!

Student Council--We elected representatives this week that will represent our class on student council.  Congratulations to 5th grader, Wilson, and 4th grader, Laine K, who will be our class reps.

Writer's Workshop--We are working on writing quality Personal Narratives!  A personal narrative is a story told from or about the writer's life.  These are a wonderful opportunity for us to showcase our writing skills and put to use new writing strategies--including adding exciting leads, learning to add details such as dialogue, bringing forth the internal story, and so much more.  Feel free to look through your son or daughter's writing notebook.  They should be writing more and more, plus trying out strategies learned in class.  Remember this is a notebook, and not a place where corrections are made.  This is the place where we try something new, or work to get down an idea.  Very shortly, we will learn how to take a story or idea out of the notebook, develop and nurture it, write it as a draft, revise, edit, and finally "publish" a finished piece.  Here's just an example of one of our writing lessons:

A special "Thanks!" goes out to Natalie for leading a lesson last week on "Jail Words."  These are words that are terribly overused in writing.  Here's the chart Natalie started and we added to in class:

I have updated my weekly Reader's Workshop blog, be sure to check in every once in a while to check out what we're doing in reading!

Finally...math!  Math is going really well this year.  Students are working on on assignments and lessons that are based on their September placement tests.  At the end of this week all 5th graders will take a quiz on divisibility rules.  4th graders will either be taking a quiz on divisibility rules or place value.  We are also learning about symmetry (4th) and reviewing measuring angles (5th).

MEAP--The MEAP tests will be administered over the next two weeks.  PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT not to remove your child from school during the tests.  The MEAP will be given on the following dates:
  • 5th Grade:
    • Reading--October 11 and 12
    • Math--October 18
    • Science--October 19
  • 4th Grade
    • Reading--October 11 and 12
    • Math--October 18
    • Writing--October 13 and 19
Please note that I have added an upcoming events tab to the classroom blog.  I am also building a classroom calendar on Google.  It's just not yet finished!  (Too many calendars to keep straight, I think!)

I also have pictures to upload from Spirit Week, but since most were taken with my iPhone, they're not yet uploaded to the blog.  Please be patient, I only have so many hours in the day!  :)

Have a wonderful rest of the week.

Mrs. Perrien

02 October 2011

Words for the character study

My apologies to Erin; I downloaded the pictures, was distracted by my dog who wanted to play "keep away," and forgot to complete the upload!  Here you go, Erin!