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28 February 2011

Upcoming Events


I've been working this evening on a classroom calendar for March since it's such a busy month!  I wanted to point out a couple things affecting this week:
  • March 2, Wednesday, is Read-Across-America Day.  Students may wear pajamas and bring fun reading material for a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time in the morning.
  • March 4, Friday, is Read a Button Day.  Students may wear all the buttons (with words) they'd like!
The calendar should be emailed out tomorrow (and sent home via kid mail).  Aside from weekly volunteers it should have most of our activities on it.

Have a wonderful week!

23 February 2011

Coin Challenge Results

I'm sure you've heard, but the Montessori classes won the 2011 Waukazoo Coin Challenge!

Not only that, but the coin challenge brought Waukazoo some wonderful publicity.  The Holland Sentinel was here last week to report on our school's efforts.

In total, the coin challenge raised $2862.70 to buy PET's.  That means we were able to purchase 11 vehicles for children in developing countries who desperately need these devices!  That total surpassed our school's goal of $2000.  Thank you to everyone who helped dig through couch cushions, clean out car change cups, and emptied the coin jar at home!  Thank you to everyone who also donated dollars, several of our Montessori families donated generously to this worthy cause!

PET Organization

12 February 2011

Classroom Open House


The Upper Montessori classroom will be open next Thursday, February 17, from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. to allow prospective 3rd grade parents the chance to preview the class, tour the room, and find out more about the Upper Montessori program.  If you know of any families that are considering the Montessori program at West Ottawa/Waukazoo, please spread the word and let them know about next week.  The open house is not a formal presentation, just a chance for families to familiarize themselves with the classroom and what we're all about at Waukazoo.

Thank you!

11 February 2011

Pink Out!

Explorers Homework Project


Students will be bringing home their project today!  They have already had over 6 hours of classroom time dedicated to research their topic.  Students have been considering/researching the following questions:

Historical Explorer
  • Who was the explorer?
  • Timeline of his/her career
  • Where/what did he/she explore?
  • Facts
  • Why was the person exploring (the goals of the mission)
  • Accomplishments and/or failures
  • Lessons learned
 Modern Day Exploration
  • What area of exploration did you choose?
  • When (timeline)
  • Achievements and/or failures
  • Why explore this?
  • Discoveries
  • What did the two explorations have in common?
  • What is different?
  • What were the challenges that each faced?
  • Lessons learned

Question: What could the modern explorers learn from the historical explorers to be more successful?

Students are bringing home posterboard to begin their work.  The project is due next Friday (February 18th).  See attached example of a poster presentation.

08 February 2011

A note from the PTA . . .

Blizzard Beach will be this Friday due to last week’s snow days...

Come dressed in Tee Shirts, Shorts, Flip Flops, etc. (Summer Clothes but NO bathing suits.) 

Students will go outside during recess and lunch so please make sure that the children bring appropriate outdoor clothing.

A frozen treat will be  provided by the PTA at lunchtime so bring your beach towels for a lunchroom picnic.

From Mrs. Perrien:  Friday is also Pink Out!  Hopefully students will be able to find something pink and "beachy" for this Friday!

07 February 2011

Art Fair Coming to Waukazoo!

There is an art fair showing your child’s artwork. The art fair is on March 10 at Waukazoo School. It will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. You may buy a frame for your child’s artwork if you want.  4th graders will be doing optical illusions.  5th graders will show a firebird picture from the music they will hear live when they visit the Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra. 

Written by Evelyn and Jolene

Box Top Contest


Information is coming home today about the [General Mills] Box Tops contest, which would've kicked off last week but instead starts today.  Here are the basics, though: (from the Box Tops parent coordinator)

In your kid mail today you will find information regarding our Box Top collection campaign. As you know, this is an easy and fairly painless way for us to earn free money for Waukazoo.

The name of the contest is “We Love Our Teacher."  The students can “vote” for a teacher by simply turning in their Box Tops in the heart provided.  There is a collection “Valentine Bouquet” sheet on which students can paste their Box Tops--this came home in the kid mail today as well.  All Box Tops need to be turned in by Tuesday, February 22.  The class with the most box tops collected will win a special prize.

Let's start collecting! 

06 February 2011

Valentines Day

This year we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Monday, February 14.  Our party will be from 2:45-3:30.  This is usually a low-key day with food, beverage, card exchange, and a fun game.

If your child chooses to bring Valentines for exchanging, please bring a card for everyone—no need to address them, just have your child sign his or her name.  Our classroom has 26 students.  Given the allergy concerns in our classroom I would prefer that students not bring in candy or food to give with the cards.  We will be feeding them during the party!

Report Cards

Report cards will be coming home next week--their delivery will likely be delayed a few days due to the snow days.  Although teachers have finished inputting the information, no one has been at school to print the reports.  The office must print all 500+ student reports; it's my guess they will be delayed a few days.  When reviewing report cards remember the following about grades:

A–Masters/Exceeds Standards
B-Meets Standards
C–Working Toward Standards
D–Below Standards

I would encourage you to review the report card with your child. If you have any questions about a specific grade please let me know.  Sometimes items were graded last marking period that were not graded this period, that is normal.  You'll also see grades and comments from the specialists; they grade midyear and year-end.

Missing Books

Our classroom library is missing many, many books. I have always used the honor system for book checkouts. Students may take a book home and return it when finished. However, sometimes students forget to return what has been checked out.

Please ask your son or daughter if he or she has any books from Mrs. Perrien's classroom that should be returned. My books usually have a genre sticker on the outside and my name or initials on the inside front cover. If you find them on your shelves, under someone's bed, or in a backpack please return the books to school!

Thank you!

01 February 2011

Snow Day Homework

Don't let them fool you!  If students do not have school tomorrow they have work to do.

Word Origins--all 5th graders have their spelling lists at home and have been instructed to try to have their word origins completed when they return to school on Thursday.

As far as research goes...students could do more study on early explorers.  They started this at school but are certainly welcome to learn more at home.  Explorers include Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Bartolomeu Dias, and John Cabot.  We also learned about Marco Polo today (although he will likely not be a part of the project work we'll be starting later this week.

It's possible that we WILL have school tomorrow and none of this will matter.  But...just in case!

Happy Groundhog Day!

Mrs. Perrien