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25 August 2010

EXCELLENT article on children's backpacks!

I just read this excellent, highly informative article about "the backpack."  It was posted on the DeVos Children's Hospital health information site and is written by a physical therapist.  She has many useful tips and recommendations when shopping for this important school bag.  Many of the commentaries and articles on this website are wonderful!

24 August 2010

Back to School Letter and Other Information


I'm linking the "Welcome Back!" letter as well as parent volunteer information, a student contact form, and snack information.

Packets will be mailed to NEW FAMILIES only by this Friday.  Families returning to the Upper Montessori classroom that received email-only newsletters will not be receiving a hard copy.  If you are a returning family member and would like a hard copy of the information, please email me.  Thanks!  :)

1.  Welcome Back to School letter
2.  Birthday Snack Informational letter
3.  Parent contact form
4.  Classroom snack information

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the Back-to-School open house (6-8 p.m.) next Wednesday, September 1!

Mrs. Amy Perrien

16 August 2010

Back-to-School Shopping-Upper Montessori Classroom

Everyone always asks about back-to-school purchases.  What do kids need?  This information will be detailed in the back-to-school letter that will be arriving on or around August 27.  Some people, though, are just too excited to wait!

So what do the kids need?  Upper Montessori students will need:
  • A one-inch to 1.5 inch three-ring binder with pockets.  Binders may have designs or be plain (Please be considerate when choosing the binder, no scary or unpleasant images, please.)  **Binders will be needed on the first day of school.
  • One box of facial tissues (i.e., Kleenex)
  • At least one packet of post-it notes
  • Gym shoes
There are a few other items to add to the list, but these can wait until the back-to-school packet is mailed the last week of August.  I am looking forward to school starting again, but for now I am going to enjoy these last few days of summer vacation!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Back-to-School: Fall 2010

Fall 2010

School will soon be starting, so welcome back to the classroom blog!  The blog will continue to be the preferred method for distributing up-to-date classroom news and information.  This year we will also be using Google Docs to distribute classroom/field trip permission slips and other documents as needed. Please remember to bookmark the blog, add it as an iGoogle application, or sign up for emailed blog updates!

Once school is back in session please make it a practice to check the blog every few days for news. The blog also has a feature for parents/guests to sign up for emailed updates.  The blog automatically sends an email each evening an update has been posted.  No update = no email and vice/versa.

A Back-to-School parent/student information packet will be in the mail by August 27.  After reading through the packet, please let me know if you have any questions.

If you are the parent of a student who is now entering the 6th grade I will be updating my address book at school the night of the parent open house and will remove your email address at that time. Feel free to visit the blog anytime, though!

Enjoy these last few days of summer!

Amy Croel-Perrien, Teacher