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29 December 2009

5th Grade Spelling Bee

The Waukazoo 5th grade spelling bee will soon take place. (I won't have an exact date for a couple weeks yet.) All 5th graders are encouraged to practice for participation in the classroom spelling bee. Classroom winners (typically 2 students) will move on to compete in the Waukazoo 5th grade spelling bee.

Just to remind everyone...last year's Waukazoo spelling bee winner (and 6th place overall in the county) was the Montessori program's own Elaine Chau! When students move on to the county bee they are competing against students in grades 5-8 from schools within Ottawa County.

5th graders should begin practicing now at home! Students and parents are encouraged to visit for a list of "Words You Need to Know," and links to definitions and pronunciations of words on the Spell It! study lists. These study lists will come home in January, but by visiting this website students will be able to study lists from several different languages.

One final note: students are only allowed to spell words orally in a spelling bee. Have students practice orally spelling words from the Spell It website and their own classroom spelling lists. Spelling words orally is very different from writing them down!

21 December 2009

Humane Society delivery...

Thank you, everyone, for your generous donations! This was dropped off today...

13 December 2009

Celebrating Christmas

We will have a little holiday celebration on Thursday, December 17 at 2:20 in the afternoon. We will celebrate our holiday project--the Harbor Humane Society, eat some goodies, possibly work on a holiday craft, and watch a video/DVD.

Please remember that we are collecting for the Harbor Humane Society. Teacher gifts are always appreciated but not necessary. Instead I ask that you consider bringing in something for the Humane Society--a charity chosen by the children! All donated items will be taken to the Humane Society after school on the 18th.

Thank you for your consideration; have a wonderful week!

08 December 2009

Classroom Updates: odds and ends

A few odds and ends to complete my flurry of news and other information tonight!

Holiday Gift Shop
If students missed out on the opportunity to shop today and want to go back to the gift shop it will be open on Friday morning from 9-11:30 a.m. Students just need to let one of us know they want to shop that morning.

If you ordered Waukazoo spiritwear student council is anticipating the order to be in at the end of next week.

Online Viewing of Lunch Account
Contact the West Ottawa Food Service office at 786-2100 to receive your child's account number. You will then use that number to register at Entire families will be able to register on one account!

West Ottawa Youth Sports Program: 3rd-6th Grade Boy's Basketball
Literature went home earlier this week and registration is currently taking place. Contact West Ottawa Athletics at 616.994.5030 with additional questions.

Classroom Holiday Project
The students have spoken! Rather than bringing in gifts to each other [or me], we will be collecting donations for the Harbor Humane Society. (click here for a wish list). If you are interested, each student is asked to bring in an item for the Humane Society on or before the classroom Christmas party. I will drop off all items on Friday, December 18 in the afternoon after school.

Holiday Pet-Sitting
If you are interested in "pet-sitting" over the holiday break and will be staying in Holland this Christmas, please let me know. We have several classroom pets that need a holiday home: Spotz the gecko, hermy the hermit crab, one guppy, one beta, and everyone's favorite...the cockroaches! First come, it's yours!

I believe that IS the latest; have a wonderful week!

--Mrs. Perrien

Guest Speaker highlights!

Thank you, Christy Watkin, for your visit today! Please visit the Photobucket site for additional photos from Miss Watkin's visit.

06 December 2009

Math in the Upper Montessori Classroom

Earlier this school year I discussed on this blog the importance of doing daily and weekly math fact assessments in the classroom. This post will give parents a little more information about our overall classroom math program.

When I first started in Montessori education over 12 years ago I was introduced to the Albanesi math program. The program provides an organized, systematic method for the students to work through math concepts while continuing the use the materials developed by Montessori and her associates. Over the years I have carefully supplemented in areas that I felt needed more study or were lacking based on the state of Michigan's grade level content expectations.

Students begin by taking a pretest that covers a set amount of concepts. The results of the pretests are used to determine what work students should do and what they have already mastered. From there students work weekly on their mathematics work, sometimes individually and sometimes in small groups. When students have finished a set amount of concepts they will take a post-test to determine if the concepts are mastered or if further work is needed.

Students sit for lessons throughout the week. These lessons, in both math and geometry, provide instruction in new concepts and demonstrate for students how to properly use the Montessori materials. Sometimes lessons will show students how to move away from the materials into abstraction. However, a student is never pushed to do a work abstractly until he or she demonstrates readiness. It is for this reason that we only do math homework in areas that have been mastered abstractly.

How can parents help at home? Encourage your child in his/her mental math and remind him or her of your weekly expectations regarding the workplan and its completion. The weekly workplan is a document provided weekly to the child to guide his or her learning. The workplan should be completed each week. Students are given "workplan time" in the classroom to complete their required work--including the workplan assignments. (I will be posting further about the workplan this month.)

Other ways to help your child develop mental math skills including helping mom or dad maintain a budget when grocery shopping, calculating tips when eating out, plus assisting with baking or home improvement projects around the house (measurement). One final thought about math at home...please encourage and practice mental math!

Students will be taking math tests this week or next. Results will be shared with parents in January. Have a wonderful week!