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26 May 2009

Counting down to summer

As we count down to summer, a few items are worth mentioning!

This Friday (May 29th) students may wear a hat for the day if they pay $1.00. This is a charitable fundraiser, Caps for a Cure," with all the money going to help fund a cure for Type 1 (juvenile) Diabetes. One of the Waukazoo teaching stuff, Mrs. Gallagher, is riding in a biking event this summer to raise research funds. I will be collecting the $1.00 donation Friday morning and in return, your son or daughter may wear a hat all day!

We will begin cleaning out lockers and sending home posters and other projects this week. Please be on the lookout throughout the week. More will come next week as well!

Friday "Read in the Dark"

We enjoying our read in the dark day so much that we are doing it again! This Friday students may bring flashlights and camping gear for an afternoon of "campfire" reading. Fun!! We will begin after special and recess Friday afternoon.

Classroom News

Friday morning is also our last "Parents and Pastries." If you came last Friday you are welcome to come again!

Mrs. Perrien's class will continue with homework all this week and next week. If this changes in any way I will let you know. However, spelling is completed for the year! (All the children were so sad...)

The Photobucket account is currently up-to-date. However, I am planning (hoping) to take pictures next week and give the kids the opportunity to reflect on how much they have changed this school year by comparing their new picture to the one taken on the first day of school.

5th Grade Luncheon

Next Wednesday, June 3, I will be treating the 5th graders to a special luncheon. They do not to bring a lunch or order a lunch that day.

Have a great week!

--Mrs. Perrien

18 May 2009

Summer Pet Sitting

Are you interested in taking our four baby guppies or the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches? They are looking for a summer home. Please let me know if you are interested.

Classroom Update

Lots of new pictures have been posted from the Celebration of Learning and our field trip to Windmill Island. Thanks to Genevieve and her mom for sharing their photos!

The photos will remain in Photobucket until the end of August. Make sure you order whatever you'd like during the summer. Shortly before school starts I will be deleting the entire contents of the Perrien Photobucket album.

11 May 2009

Science in the Spring/Classroom Updates

One of my favorite teaching seasons is Spring. So much is happening outside! Today we went into the woods behind the school to do a tree study. Students picked a tree and observed it closely. They recorded visual observations as well as took measurements. Later this week students will return to the woods to more closely observe their tree in its environment. Next week we will return to look for CHANGE.

When we were back in the woods we looked at the Trillium flowers growing so beautifully. We discussed why it is not appropriate in Michigan to pick the Trillium.

Students are studying the rock cycle. We have also learned about the science of a volcano. Later this week they will begin an environmental impact study as we continue to learn about the Earth.

Today we watched the West Ottawa Theater Departments traveling show, "Sir Slob and the Princess." I am always thrilled to see student actors and we at Waukazoo do enjoy seeing our students come back to put on these amazing shows! West Ottawa is very fortunate to have talented drama teachers, who also practice their craft!

SOCIAL STUDIES--Although we heard about the constitution at the recent celebration of learning we didn't study it too closely...yet! Over the next two weeks we will do more research to learn more about the United States Constitution.

DATES TO REMEMBER--May 22 and May 29. Each Friday morning we will welcome parents for a "Parents and Pastries" morning. Parents are welcome to join us as we finish our workplan or do a whole class lesson. Each event will run from 9:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.

Missing Boys Blazer

On the night of the celebration of learning a boys navy blue blazer went missing. Jamesohn's family was kind enough to loan us a navy blue boys blazer/sports coat (with a missing gold button). Unfortunately, this sports coat disappeared the night of the big event. It is a boys sport coat, navy blue, with a missing gold button.

Please check to see if the jacket was accidentally taken home with your son or daughter the night of the celebration of learning. I would very much like to return it to Jamesohn's family.


07 May 2009

More pics added from Celebration

I am currently adding more pictures from the American Revolution research projects. The pictures added include each student with his or her presentation board.

Welcome Baby Madeline

I want to share the news that I am a new (proud) aunt! My sister, Nicki, had her baby Thursday morning at 3:09 a.m. Her name is Madeline Elizabeth and she is adorable!

03 May 2009

Celebration of Learning Photos

Hello everyone!

I have put photos taken during our practices into the classroom Photobucket account. Please email me if you have forgotten the login and/or password. I would be happy to add any photos that are emailed to me. (You could also send them into school on a USB drive.)

A big thank you to all our parents for donating or loaning blazers and jackets for the soldiers. I would like to especially thank David's mom, Theda, for her work making the ships and most of the stage props. Thank you, Theda!

One of our parents loaned two navy blue boy's blazers/sports coats for the evening. She was only able to find one at the end of the night last Thursday. If your son or daughter wore home a navy blue blazer (missing a button) please send it back to school. Thank you!

Enjoy Tulip Time this coming week; it should be a fun week!

--Mrs. Perrien