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28 October 2008

Parent Homework—each Monday night

The children have requested that I review with their parents the Monday night signing—what to sign and return to school. Part of each Monday's homework is to request a parent signature on the weekly reflection and on the spelling pretest.

Weekly Reflection: Please sign and return to school the next day.

Spelling—Please keep the typed list of spelling words. Words have been circled on this list that your child missed on his/her Monday morning spelling pretest. Please keep this list at home. Please sign and return the spelling pretest. This pretest is simply showing you how your student did on Monday morning. During the week in class students will practice with their word list and also work on discovering what their words mean.

I hope this information helps!

26 October 2008

Classroom Updates, October 27, 2008

On Tuesday students will be able to take advantage of Geskus Photography's picture day makeup. This week also includes a special MEAP celebration for all 3rd-5th graders on Thursday morning!

I am hoping to plant our daffodil bulbs yet this week--possibly on Wednesday afternoon. Please watch for a clear weather day!

This week is a short week--there is no school on Friday. However, we will be doing a regular spelling list this week and we'll take our spelling test on Thursday afternoon.

This week is the last week we will be covering Simple Machines and Sound. Next week we begin a new unit of study in science. We will be studying the organization of living things, including the human body system.


It is really cold outside! Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Winter coats with hats and mittens are ideal for the weather right now.

19 October 2008

This Week: October 20-24, 2008

The Upper Montessori students will again be taking the MEAP on Tuesday; they will be taking English Language Arts, part II. 5th graders will take the MEAP science assessment on Thursday—this will be the last day of MEAP assessments. (Unless there is a need for anyone to do a makeup assessment.)


On Friday afternoon we will head outside to plant bulbs—spring Daffodil bulbs. We will be working outside from 2:15-3:00. If you would like to join us, please wear your jeans and bring your gardening gloves plus a bulb planting tool (or shovel) if possible. (In the event of rain we will push back the date to October 30.)

Have a wonderful week!

12 October 2008

1/2 Day of School on Monday

Just a reminder that there will be a half-day of school on Monday!

Students will not have spelling this week and there will be no homework on Monday afternoon.

09 October 2008

Friday: October 10, 2008


Friday, October 10 is West Ottawa's homecoming game! In honor of homecoming let's try to remember to wear Black and White to show our WO support!


Students from our class have brought in canned goods and dry cereal for the Child Reach food drive to help restock local food pantries. We have until the 15th to continue to add to the collection. If you are able to help please send in canned goods, dry cereal or pasta; even cleaning supplies. I was able to shop at Family Fare's 10 items for $10 and put together a bag from my daughters.


Next week is our fall conference week. Please help me by being on time for your conference; I do start and end conferences on time. It is important that I do this so that I don't impact other teachers' times! If you will be more than 10 minutes late for your conference please call me to reschedule, unless you feel that we can cover everything in the 10 minutes.

Please don't feel that this conferences is the only time we are able to talk about your child and school. If you ever need to talk or have questions please email me or call. We can talk over the phone or set up a time to get together!


*Popcorn Day tomorrow--$0.25/bag
*There will be no spelling next week due to MEAP testing.

06 October 2008

Photobucket Deadline

I will be deleting last year's albums at the end of the week this week!

Spelling & Classroom Updates

Time really does fly by so quickly…

Just a few weeks ago we were starting school; the days were warm and sunny and there was definitely a "summery" feel in the air. Today is was rainy, overcast, and cool. I am frantically cooking soups and stews for the freezer and freezing my CSA produce just as fast I can, knowing that I only have a few weeks left to visit the farm.

However, we are still "sunny" in the classroom! Spelling was started today with most students excited about weekly spelling lists. (Maybe that is because we WON'T be doing spelling next week…) Students took their pretest in small groups with either Mr. Rodriguez or me and they corrected their own tests. The printed copy of the word list that came home today is for you to keep at home for practice. Please sign and return the pretest.

I will send the final tests home either Friday or Monday each week. Any words missed will be added to the next week's list. If at any time you feel your child's words are too easy or too hard, please let me know. I want spelling to be the best experience for each child, yet challenge him or her a little as well!

On Tuesday I will send home a set of spelling practice ideas for you to keep at home. These ideas are not assignments that need to be returned to school, just ideas for your son or daughter to use when practicing their words.

I have finished adding photos from Spirit Week to the Photobucket account. It really was a fabulous week; thank you for your hard work and support during the fun run and during Spirit Week!


Congratulations to our student council representatives: Jamesohn Bader and Cara Budek! Their first meeting is Friday…this is also the date for our first popcorn day! Popcorn is 25 cents/bag and is usually distributed in the morning freshly popped. Many students eat popcorn for snack on these fun Fridays!


Students received their first paycheck on Friday. Many were shocked by the amount of money they paid for taxes, rent, bills, and more! J They will be given the opportunity to shop this week and decide whether to save or spend their hard earned money. Last week many students earned extra money by doing extra assignments for math. Tyler did five extra math assignments to earn an additional $100! Way to go, Tyler!


With conferences coming up next week, please let me know if there is anything in particular you'd like to discuss. I am happy to direct the conference in a particular direction or give you an overview of how your son or daughter is doing academically and socially.


Mom or dad stopping in to eat with their kids is always exciting. Please consider stopping in and lunching with your child! We eat lunch from 12:08-12:50.


Many of us at Waukazoo have been "bitten" by the Twilight bug! I was lucky enough to be introduced to the Twilight saga during the summer when I could read for hours each day! Although the books are too mature for 3rd-5th graders they are being devoured by adolescents and their moms! There is even a fangroup for Twilight moms! Try reading Twilight, I believe you'll love it as much as I do!


Observed during our FRED (Free Read Every Day) time today, the following books being devoured: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Deltora Quest (Thank you, Max, for the recent donation!), Little Men by Louisa May Alcott, the Invention of Hugo Cabret, Nancy Drew, Ginger Pye. We are unquestionably a crowd of dedicated readers! J


Our soap carvings will be going on display outside the office this week! Please look for them when you visit for conferences!